KeySmart Review: Don't Buy A KeySmart Rugged Or KeySmart Pro Until You Read This!

If you’re someone who carries around a bunch of keys, I used a traditional keyring my entire life. The problem was, I have nine different keys. I have keys for cars, houses, a PO box, and more. Now, you may not have as many keys as I have. Perhaps yo

Published on Dec 22, 2023

KeySmart Review: Don't Buy A KeySmart Rugged Or KeySmart Pro Until You Read This!

If you’re someone who carries around a bunch of keys, I used a traditional keyring my entire life. The problem was, I have nine different keys. I have keys for cars, houses, a PO box, and more. Now, you may not have as many keys as I have. Perhaps you have more. Maybe you’re a high-school janitor. :-) Either way, you’re probably familiar with the annoying feeling of having your keys jab and stab your legs from your pocket. (I know that I personally have had several pockets completely ruined because my keys literally poked a hole in them.)It was so annoying that I would take my keys out of my pocket whenever I sat down because my keyring was just so darn big and bulky. Anyway, I went out to dinner one night with a buddy of mine at the local Texas Roadhouse - I get the Roadkill - when I pulled out my keys and plopped them on the table next to our bucket of peanuts. “You’re still carrying that big old thing around?”, my friend asked. “You need to check this out…” Then, he pulled out what looked like a pocket knife at first glance. But as I examined it, I saw that it was smaller and sleeker… It was a key organizer. But not just any key organizer… It was KeySmart. I stared in amazement. “Look at how those keys fit so perfectly in there”, I thought. Just when I thought that the KeySmart couldn’t get any cooler, my buddy flipped out a bottle opener… And a USB flash drive… AND a pair of pliers all from the same KeySmart. Yes, I’m being 100% serious. They sell those accessories and it’s freakin’ awesome. So, I went home and ordered one for myself and I absolutely love it. Yet, before we get started, I know there are a lot of online “reviews” where people just talk about the product and pitch it without ever using it just so they can get an affiliate commission. That’s why I’ve included a photo of my actual order confirmation from KeySmart when I first got their original model to prove to you that I ACTUALLY bought it and ACTUALLY use it. I figure proof trumps everything else.

My KeySmart Pro order confirmation proving I'm qualified to do this KeySmart Pro review

A photo of my order confirmation, showing that I actually bought the product and I'm not just blowing smoke up your skirt...

What Is A KeySmart?

KeySmart is a key organizer. It allows you to keep all of your keys into one small, sleek, good-looking tool.  In other words, they make your keys compact, quiet and comfortable to carry. That means no more stabbing yourself in the leg with your keys and no more annoying jingle when you walk. The “Smart” part of KeySmart comes from the integration they offer with Tile. Now, you don’t have to get the “Smart” integration (you can get a basic key holder) but having Tile makes it so you never have to worry about losing your keys again. Tile is a Bluetooth tracker and easy-to-use app which can find anything you don’t want to lose - in this case, your keys - in seconds. The Tile comes attached to the KeySmart and if you ever lose it, you can pull up the app and see its last known location on a map. In my case, I’ll always be able to find my keys, even if I’ve had six of those Texas Roadhouse margaritas. (Don’t judge, Kenny Chesney makes some darn good ‘ritas…) And not many people know this but if you have the Tile app, you can also use it to find your phone. So, you can use the app to find your keys… AND you can use your keys to find your phone, even if your phone is on silent mode. Pretty cool. What’s even cooler is that the KeySmart Pro (the one with the Tile) comes with a flashlight already installed. This doesn’t seem like that big of a deal but if you’ve ever fumbled around in the dark trying to insert your key, you realize how big of a lifesaver this is. This means not only will you never lose your keys again but you will never fumble around and scratch up your doors trying to unlock them at night.The KeySmart Pro also has a micro-USB port built-in so you can recharge it to keep your flashlight and your Tile working whenever you need them. The KeySmart Pro was perfect for me because it holds up to ten keys, so I was able to fit all of mine on there with no problem. By the way, all KeySmarts are easy to assemble and require no tools. All you really need is something to tighten the screws. Their videos show someone using a penny, which is fine… but I used a flathead screwdriver. You know, like a real man. :-) If you’re interested in the KeySmart Pro, which ensures you won’t lose your keys ever again, you can check that out here: KeySmart Pro: Premium Key Organizer At the time of this writing, it’s selling for $59.99. It’s their most premium model but they also sell other models, including… 

The KeySmart Pro packaging, which you can review for yourself or get the KeySmart Rugged

The KeySmart Pro packaging as it arrives in the mail.

The KeySmart Rugged

I was considering getting this one for myself but I decided to splurge and get the Pro. If I had more than ten keys, I would definitely get the Rugged model because it’s expandable and can hold up to 14 keys. Plus, the Rugged version comes with a pocket clip, which makes it even more comfortable in your pocket. Also, it’s called Rugged for a reason. This particular KeySmart is tough. If you’re someone who drops your keys or throws them around, you’re most likely better off getting this one instead of the Pro because it can withstand the abuse.

You Can Choose Your Colors

Currently, the KeySmart is offered in several different colors, including: 

  • White

  • Black

  • Red

  • Slate

Sometimes they offer “special edition” colors, including camo and titanium.

A selection of colors and accessories offered for KeySmart Pro and KeySmart Rugged

A selection of colors and accessories offered by KeySmart.

The KeySmart Accessories Are Awesome, Too...

The thing that really got me off the fence about buying a KeySmart was the fact that you could put accessories on it. The Pro comes with a bottle opener already on it but you can add various accessories to any model you choose. The accessories include: 

  • 16GB USB flash drive. This can come in handy if you have information you may need to access in multiple locations. Even though we have cloud storage these days, there are power outages, etc. 

  • Pocket clip. This is a nice little add-on that helps you secure your keys to your pocket, backpack, and more. My friend’s wife actually got a pocket clip so she could secure her KeySmart to her purse, which means even if she drops her purse, her keys will still be fastened inside. 

  • Quick disconnect. This allows you to only carry what you need. Let’s say you have multiple car keys, which can be big and clunky. You can use the quick disconnect accessory to quickly switch between car keys so you only carry one at a time. 

  • Screwdriver. How many times have you been out and needed a screwdriver? Have a screw that needs to be tightened? You got it. Have a paint can that needs to be opened? You got it. You’ll be the envy of all your friends. 

  • Pliers. You never know how often pliers come in handy until you have them in your pocket. They’re great for anything that’s too difficult or uncomfortable to grip with your fingers, such as pulling wire through a cover or pulling staples out of wood. 

I can testify that the pliers are especially handy. I was recently installing a wireless garage door opener, which meant I have to remove the old wired door opener. This particular wire was stapled all across the wall and the ceiling. However, I was able to pull out my KeySmart, get the pliers, and easily remove all of the staples in a few minutes. And KeySmart doesn’t just have key organizers and accessories, either. They also have other cool products like…

Their Cool Dapper Knives

I must admit that I never carried a pocket knife until I got the Dapper 150 from KeySmart. All the other pocket knives I could find were too cumbersome to fit in my pocket along with my cell phone, wallet, and keys. However, KeySmart’s knife is small and lightweight, allowing it to easily fit in my pocket. To give you an idea of how small it is, it’s only 3.5 inches long when it’s closed. They call it the “ultra-slim gentleman’s knife” because it’s designed to disappear in your pocket and surface for quick access when you need it. The stainless steel blade itself is pretty nice. Apparently it’s corrosion-resistant, long-lasting, and no maintenance. This means you won’t need to oil it and it won’t rust. Also, the blade itself is centered and steady, which means you can cut with precision without worrying about blade play or unwanted cuts. You can check out the Dapper 150 knife here:

 Dapper 150 | A Gentleman’s Knife That Makes You Look Just As Sharp


They have three types of wallets. The first one is a passport wallet, which is ultra-slim but can still hold up to 14 cards. Oh, and remember that Tile location-tracking stuff I talked about earlier in this article? Well, this wallet has a Tile Slim Pocket! Which means you can say goodbye to losing your wallet. If you’ve ever lost your wallet, you know the feeling of dread you get when you’re wondering if some identity thief found it and is having his way with all of your credit card information. Even if you manage to quickly deactivate your cards, it could be too late. With Tile in your wallet, you can pull up the app, find the location and rush to retrieve your lost wallet. They also have a regular wallet, their bi-fold wallet, which is smaller than the passport wallet because it’s not designed to hold a passport. It’s got the same tough, durable material and Tile Slim Pocket. It’s designed to hold up to 9 cards, so if you have 9 or fewer and don’t carry your passport around, this is the wallet for you: Bi-Fold Wallet | Secure, Organized & Accessible

The KeySmart wallets

The KeySmart wallets, which are surprisingly slim...

If You Get Nothing Else, Get The Key Organizer...

Even though KeySmart offers a bunch of different products (and they’re all amazing) they’re most widely known and respected for their key organizers, like their legendary KeySmart Pro. That’s why I say if you can only get ONE thing from KeySmart, I would get that. It makes your life so much easier and you’ll never want to go back to a clunky old keyring again. And if you’ve got someone’s birthday, anniversary, or some other special occasion coming up, they make a great gift… and an awesome little stocking-stuffer for the holidays. I bought their five-pack (at a significant discount on their website) and give them out as cute little gifts during birthdays and get-togethers. So, if you’d like to check out KeySmart and their products, go directly to their homepage here: KeySmart Key Organizer

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